Property Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the building and grounds. This includes short term and long term planning and prioritizing of work to be done.
Shepherding Team
This team provides home visits, telephone support, and always prayer support for members of the congregation.
Stewardship is developed and implemented to nurture and further faithful stewardship practices by all members of the congregation..
Worship Committee
Worship Committee helps to gather worship assistants including lectors, assisting ministers, ushers, and an altar guild. They also provide support for the congregation’s music program.

Congregational Vitality Team
The CVT works to develop plans and implement changes that enhance the mission of the congregation. This group works on initiatives identified in our Ministry Site Profile, or by council, the pastor, or other committees/teams.

Mutual Ministry Team
The MMT strives to facilitate improved communication between the pastor, staff, and the congregation in order to strengthen the ministries of Living Christ. Listening and discussing are the primary activities of this group. Recommendations may be made to council or other committees/teams when appropriate.