Lenten Devotion (3/5)

Thursday, March 5th

Practice Discipleship: Trust
Trust: to rely or depend on; firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

The psalms in scripture capture the range of human emotion and give us examples of a deep and abiding trust in God. Like the writers of the psalms, there are ways we can practice trust, too. In a moment of stress, fear, anxiety, or hopelessness try the

  1. Notice when you are feeling despair or disbelief about a relationship or situation.
  2. Take step back. Go for a walk, turn your attention to something else, or clear your head to remove yourself from the situation. Take three deep breaths to re-set yourself.
  3. Return to the situation or thoughts that led up to the stress and anxiety. With a clear mind, you may begin to notice things differently. You may find it helpful to journal or record your thoughts in some way in order to better reflect on the situation.
  4. Choose to re-engage in a positive way. You may enter into a time of prayer or scripture reading. Instead of dwelling on feelings that are destructive or hurtful, choose to turn things over to God and trust that other outcomes are possible. Take three more deep breaths to complete this final step.
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